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Introduction to the C++ course

C++ is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s.

This language is based on the popular C language, which was “the best of the best” at the time. This means that it inherits many of the features of C and tries to be compatible with the syntax as much as possible.

But C++ adds new features compared to C. In particular, it adds object-oriented programming (OOP), being one of the first references in this paradigm.

In fact, the name C++ comes from the ”++” operation in C, which is used to increment the value of a variable by 1, indicating that it is an “evolved version” of C. A joke by programmers who came up with it.

Despite the years, “the old man” C++ language continues to be a widely used language. It is a very powerful and versatile programming language that allows us great control over hardware and system resources. In exchange, it is more complicated than other modern languages.

On the other hand, C++ has been a language that has evolved a lot. Normal, it’s 40 years old, how is it not going to change. However, it is one of the languages that is least used and least taught, because it is done… well, like it was 40 years ago.

So in this course we will learn to use C++, and we will “lose our fear” of it. At the same time we will try to explain the modern features of the language, and how to use them today.

Main features of C++

C++ stands out for a combination of high-level and low-level in a single language. You can use high-level abstractions, but also write low-level code for critical tasks when necessary.

On the one hand, C++ has full support for object-oriented programming (OOP). It allows the use of classes and objects, abstractions that allow us to model real-world entities in the code.

But, on the other hand, C++ provides access to low-level features, such as pointers and direct memory management. That is, it allows very close control of hardware and system resources.

Consequently, C++ is known for being a high-performance language. In general, C++ code tends to be very fast to execute. So much so that it is usually marked as a reference for “what is fast”.

In addition, C++ is a portable and cross-platform language. Code written in C++ can be compiled and executed on a wide variety of platforms and operating systems.

Finally, C++ is a multipurpose language. That is, it is used to make any type of application, without being restricted to a single field or scope. You can use it for all kinds of programs, as we will see below.

Application Fields of C++

As I said, C++ stands out for the combination of high-level and low-level. This makes it ideal for applications that require efficiency, control over the use of system resources, or when resources are very limited.

For example, C++ is a popular choice for developing operating systems and system cores due to its hardware-level control and its ability to work with limited resources.

By extension, it is widely used in the development of compilers, debuggers and other essential tools for software development and other programming languages.

It is also used in embedded systems and devices, such as car navigation systems, industrial control systems, and electronics of any type of device (household appliances, toothbrushes…), due to its ability to run on systems with limited resources.

Likewise, C++ is used in enterprise, financial, or any other type of program that handles large volumes of data and requires fast processing.

In addition, C++ is often the preferred language for applications in the production of artificial intelligence, computer vision, and machine learning, which require the execution of a large number of operations quickly.

Finally, C++ is widely used in the video game and graphics applications industry due to its efficiency and ability to interact with graphics libraries. Many popular game engines, such as Unreal Engine, are written in C++.