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What are and how to use Events in C#

  • 5 min

An event in C# is a mechanism that allows a class or an object to notify other classes or objects that something has occurred.

When an event occurs, the associated methods are called, allowing classes to react to the triggered actions.

Events are based on delegates, which are types that encapsulate references to methods. However, events have small differences compared to delegates. One of them is that only the class that has the event can invoke it.

Event Syntax

To define an event, we first have to define a delegate type that specifies the signature of the method that we want to respond to the event. We call this function handler.

On the other hand, we need to declare the event itself. This uses the delegate type we defined earlier, preceding the reserved word event.

It seems a bit complicated and rigid, but it makes sense 😉. Further down, we will see that there is an easier way to do it. But for now, it’s good to understand the basics.

Let’s see it with an example,

// definition of the function that will handle the event
public delegate void MyEventHandler(string message);

public class Publisher
    // definition of the event
    public event MyEventHandler MyEvent;

    public void Notify(string message)

In this example,

  • MyEventHandler is the type of function that we want to “respond” to our event. In this case, it is methods that take a string as a parameter and do not return a value.
  • MyEvent is an event itself. It is defined using the previous delegate, preceding the word event to indicate that it is an event.

Finally, when “whatever generates the event” has occurred, and we want to trigger it, we do


How to Consume Events

We already know how to define and trigger Events. Now let’s see how other parts of the program can subscribe to these events to be informed that something has happened.

Subscribing to Events

To subscribe to an event, the += operator is used, adding an event handler method that matches the event delegate’s signature.

public static void PrintMessage(string message)
    Console.WriteLine("Event received: " + message);

// create a publisher object
var publisher = new Publisher();

// subscribe PrintMessage to the event
publisher.MyEvent += PrintMessage;

// force trigger the event
publisher.Notify("Hello, event!");

// Output:
// Event received: Hello, event!

In this example, we subscribe the method PrintMessage in the Subscriber class to the MyEvent event of the Publisher.

In a real project, the Publisher object would be doing its tasks. When it wants to inform that it is launching…

Unsubscribing from Events

To unsubscribe from an event, the -= operator is used, removing the event handler method from the event.

publisher.MyEvent -= subscriber.HandleEvent;

Unsubscribing from events is important to avoid memory issues and dangling references, especially in long-running applications.

Using Generic Events

The normal syntax for creating Events in C# is a bit “verbose” because we have to define a delegate with the signature of the method that will handle the event.

To simplify the syntax, the generic delegate EventHandler<TEventArgs> was introduced in version 2.0 of the .NET Framework.

This is the syntax you will normally use

This delegate provides a generic way to handle events, meaning it can handle any type of event arguments without having to define a custom delegate for each type of event.

public class Publisher
    // definition of the event
    public event EventHandler<string> MyEvent;

    public void Notify(string message)

EventHandler<TEventArgs> is a useful abstraction that encapsulates a method that takes two parameters:

  • The object that raised the event (sender)
  • An object that contains data related to the event (TEventArgs). Usually, TEventArgs is a class that inherits from EventArgs and can contain additional information about the event.

Therefore, the functions that subscribe to the Event would have the following form,

publisher.MyEvent += (s, e) => PrintMessage;

This is the most common form of EventHandler that you will find in C#.

Practical Examples
