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What and how to use namespaces in C#

Namespaces are an organization tool in the .NET framework that allows us to group classes and other related programming elements under the same name.

Namespaces allow us to avoid naming conflicts between different elements. For example, imagine two libraries that use the same name Client. With namespaces, we avoid conflict and ambiguity.

In addition, namespaces are useful for maintaining a clear and organized structure in large projects. They allow us to organize the logic of an application and separate functionalities into different areas.

Creating a Namespace in .NET

The creation of a namespace in .NET is done by declaring the namespace keyword followed by the desired name.

Then, within the braces, we place the classes and other related programming elements.

namespace MyNamespace
    public class MyClass
        // Class code

In this example, MyNamespace is the namespace that contains the definition of MyClass.

Using Namespaces

To use a namespace in a C# program, it can be done in two ways:

Using the full type name

When using the full name of a type, the namespace is included before the type name. For example, if we have a namespace called MyProgram and a class called MyClass, we can use it as follows:

MyProgram.MyClass myObject = new MyProgram.MyClass();

Importing the Namespace

Another way to use a namespace is by importing it in the using section at the beginning of the file. This allows you to use the type name directly without having to specify the full namespace.

For example:

using MyProgram;

// ...

MyClass myObject = new MyClass();

In this case, it is not necessary to use the full name MyProgram.MyClass, since the namespace has been imported with using.

Nested Namespaces

Namespaces can be nested. That is, a namespace can contain other namespaces. This allows for hierarchical organization of the code, although it is not particularly common.

namespace Company
    namespace Project
        public class MainClass
            // Class code

To access MainClass, you can use Company.Project.MainClass or import the nested namespace:

using Company.Project;

public class SecondaryClass
    public void Method()
        MainClass instance = new MainClass();

Namespace Aliases

In some cases, it may be useful to define an alias for a namespace, especially if the namespace name is long or if there are naming conflicts. This is done with the using keyword followed by an alias and the namespace. Like this:

using Alias = Long.Namespace.Name;

public class ClassWithAlias
    public void Method()
        Alias.Class instance = new Alias.Class();

Static Namespaces

C# also allows importing static members of a class, known as using static. This is useful for accessing static methods and constants without having to specify the full name of the class:

using static System.Math;

public class Calculator
    public double CalculateHypotenuse(double a, double b)
        return Sqrt(a * a + b * b);

In this example, Sqrt is a static method of the System.Math class, and can be called directly without prefixing it with Math.