I present to you a compilation of the most useful Linux commands for system information and monitoring
#clear terminal screen (same effect as control+l)
#reset terminal session
#end local or remote terminal (ssh) session and terminate started processes
Resource Management
#show running tasks and their resource usage
#show executable tasks and enhanced resources
#show RAM state in megabytes
free -h
Disk Space
#show a list of mounted partitions
df -h
#show file and directory sizes sorted by size
ls -lSr |more
#Estimate space used by directory 'dir1'
du -sh directory
#show file and directory sizes sorted by size
du -sk * | sort -rn
System Information
#show data of connected users
who -a
#show reboot history
last reboot
#Show Linux and Kernel architecture and version
uname -a
#show loaded kernel.
#show system's hardware components.
dmidecode -q
#List hard drive partitions
*cat /etc/fstab
#show hard drive features
hdparm -i /dev/hda
#show PCI devices
#show USB devices
#show kernel loading process events
tail /var/log/dmesg
#show system events
tail /var/log/messages
#show a list of files open by processes
lsof -p $$
#show a list of files open in a given system path
lsof /directory
#show system calls made and received by a process
strace -c ls >/dev/null
#show library calls
strace -f -e open ls >/dev/null
#show real-time interruptions
watch -n1 'cat /proc/interrupts'
System Shutdown and Restart
#logout user session
#shut down system now
shutdown now
#restart system now
shutdown -r now
#scheduled shutdown
shutdown hours:minutes &
#cancel scheduled shutdown
shutdown -c
#show system date
#show a one-year calendar
cal year
#show a calendar for a month and year
cal month year 2011
#online manual of command
man command
#show a descriptive summary of the function of command
whatis command
#search for commands by task performed (inverse of the previous one)
apropos text
Internet File Downloads
#download file from website
wget www.website.com/file
#download a file with the ability to stop the download and resume later.
wget -c www.website.com/file
#download entire website
wget -r www.website.com
Network Operations
#show Ethernet configuration
ifconfig eth0
#activate eth0 interface
ifup eth0
#disable eth0 interface
ifdown eth0
#configure an IP address
ifconfig eth0 netmask
#configure eth0 in common mode for packet capture (sniffing)
ifconfig eth0 promisc
#activate the 'eth0' interface in dhcp mode
dhclient eth0
#show routing table
route -n
#configure default entry
route add -net 0/0 gw IP_Gateway
#configure static route to search the network ''
route add -net netmask gw
#delete static route
route del 0/0 gw IP_gateway
#activate ip routing
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
#show hostname
#look up hostname to resolve name to an IP address
host www.website.com
#look up hostname to resolve name to an IP address and vice versa
nslookup www.website.com
#show link status of all interfaces
ip link show
#show link status of eth0
mii-tool eth0
#show eth0 network card statistics
ethtool eth0
#show all active network connections and their PID
netstat -tup
#show all network listening services on the system and their PID
netstat -tupl
#show all HTTP traffic
tcpdump tcp port 80
#show wireless networks
iwlist scan
#show configuration of a wireless network card
iwconfig wlan0
#search Whois database
whois www.website.com
SSH, SCP and Tunneling
#start ssh session
ssh user@server.domain.com
#start ssh session with X11 compatibility (allows for visual tasks)
ssh -X user@machine
#start ssh session on a specific port
ssh -p 15000 user@machine
#copy file using scp
scp /file user@server.domain.com:/directory
#ssh tunnel creation
ssh -f user@server.domain.com -L 2000:server.domain.com:25 -N
#port redirection using tunneling
ssh -v -L4001:localhost:4001 user@server.domain.com
Microsoft Windows Networks (SAMBA)
#bios network name resolution
nbtscan ip_addr
#bios network name resolution
nmblookup -A ip_addr
#show remote actions of a host in windows
smbclient -L ip_addr/hostname
To see the complete compilation of Linux commands follow this link: List of Linux Commands