Here is a compilation of the most useful Linux commands for Package Installers and Repositories.
Package Installers and Repositories
# Show libraries required by a program or command
ldd program
# Download from Github
git clone git://
Deb Packages (Debian and derivatives)
# Install / update a deb package
dpkg -i package.deb
# Remove a deb package from the system
dpkg -r package
# Show all installed deb packages in the system
dpkg -l
# Show all deb packages with a name
dpkg -l | grep name
# Get information on an installed package in the system
dpkg -s package
# Show list of files given by an installed package in the system
dpkg -L package
# Show list of files given by an uninstalled package
dpkg –contents package.deb
# Verify which package a file belongs to
dpkg -S file
APT Package Updater (Ubuntu and derivatives)
# Install / update a deb package
apt-get install package
# Add repository
sudo sh -c 'echo repository' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
# Also
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:repository
# Update package list
apt-get update
# Update installed packages
apt-get upgrade
# Remove a package from the system
apt-get remove package
# Search for a package
apt-cache search package
# Verify dependency resolution
apt-get check
# Clean cache from downloaded packages
apt-get clean
To see the complete compilation of Linux commands, follow this link: List of Linux commands