Here is a compilation of the most useful Linux commands for File and Content Search
File Search
# search for file and directory by name in the entire system
find * -name name
# search for file and directory by name, within directory
find directory -name name
# search for files and directories belonging to user, within directory
find directory -user user
# search for files and directories by type, within directory
(d directory, f regular file, l symbolic link)
find directory -type f type
# search for files and execute command
find directory -name name -exec command {} \;
# search for files with .ps extension
locate \*.ps
# display the full path of an executable
which executable
# display the location of a binary, help, or source file
whereis executable
Search in file content
# search for string in file(s)
grep string file
# search for string in file(s) without case matching
grep -i string file
# search for words that start with string in file(s)
grep ^string file
# search for string as a whole word in file(s)
grep -w string file
# select the lines from file that contain numbers
grep [0-9] file
# recursive search for string in directory
grep string -R directory
To see the complete compilation of Linux commands, visit this link: List of Linux commands