In TypeScript, a tuple is a special type of array that allows storing a fixed number of elements with specific types in each position.
Tuples are useful when we know exactly how many and what types of elements we want to store in a grouping.
If you want to learn more about What is a Tuple
check the Introduction to Programming Course read more
To declare a tuple, a syntax similar to that of arrays is used, but specifying the types of each element in brackets.
let tuple: [number, string, boolean];
tuple = [1, "TypeScript", true];
In this example, the tuple tuple
can contain a number, a string, and a boolean value, in that specific order.
Initializing tuples
Tuples must be initialized with the exact number and type of elements specified in their declaration.
// Correct
let correctTuple: [number, string] = [42, "Hello"];
// Incorrect
let incorrectTuple: [number, string] = [42]; // Error: Missing elements
let incorrectTupleTypes: [number, string] = [42, true]; // Error: Incorrect types
Trying to assign a different number of elements (more or less) or elements of incorrect types will cause a compilation error
Accessing and manipulating tuples
Accessing elements
The elements of a tuple can be accessed using the index (just like in an array).
let myTuple: [string, number, boolean] = ["TypeScript", 2024, true];
console.log(myTuple[0]); // "TypeScript"
console.log(myTuple[1]); // 2024
console.log(myTuple[2]); // true
Assigning values
The values of the elements of a tuple can be reassigned using their index, but they must maintain the original type.
myTuple[1] = 2025; // Correct
myTuple[2] = false; // Correct
// Incorrect
// myTuple[1] = "2025"; // Error: Incorrect type
Destructuring tuples
TypeScript supports tuple destructuring which allows assigning the values of a tuple to individual variables conveniently.
let [language, year, active] = myTuple;
console.log(language); // "TypeScript"
console.log(year); // 2024
console.log(active); // true
Common array methods on tuples
Tuples inherit several array methods, although their usage may be limited due to the fixed nature of tuples.
Adds an element to the end of the tuple. However, this can break the tuple if elements of unexpected types are added.
myTuple.push("new element"); // Now it's [string, number, boolean, string]
Removes the last element from the tuple.
let lastElement = myTuple.pop(); // "new element"
Combines two or more tuples (or arrays).
let myTuple: [string, number, boolean] = ["TypeScript", 2024, true];
let anotherTuple: [string, number] = ["Hello", 100];
let combined = myTuple.concat(anotherTuple);
console.log(combined); // ["TypeScript", 2024, false, "Hello", 100]
Advanced tuple types
Tuples with optional elements
TypeScript allows defining tuples with optional elements using the ?
let optionalTuple: [number, string?, boolean?];
optionalTuple = [1];
optionalTuple = [1, "Optional"];
optionalTuple = [1, "Optional", true];
Tuples with rest elements
Tuples can also use rest elements (...
) to allow a variable number of elements of a specific type at the end of the tuple.
let restTuple: [number, ...string[]];
restTuple = [1];
restTuple = [1, "a", "b", "c"];
Tuples as function parameters
Tuples can be very useful as function parameters to ensure that a specific set of types is received in a particular order.
function processTuple(tuple: [string, number, boolean]): void {
let [text, number, booleanValue] = tuple;
console.log(`Text: ${text}, Number: ${number}, Boolean: ${booleanValue}`);
processTuple(["TypeScript", 2024, true]);
Practical examples
Using tuples to represent key-value pairs
let keyValuePair: [string, any][] = [
["name", "Luis"],
["age", 30],
["active", true]
keyValuePair.forEach(([key, value]) => {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
// name: Luis
// age: 30
// active: true
Returning multiple values from a function
function calculate(a: number, b: number): [number, number, number, number] {
return [a + b, a - b, a * b, a / b];
let [sum, difference, multiplication, division] = calculate(10, 2);
console.log(`Sum: ${sum}, Difference: ${difference}, Multiplication: ${multiplication}, Division: ${division}`);
// Sum: 12, Difference: 8, Multiplication: 20, Division: 5