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We're celebrating 4 years

  • 1 min

How time flies! 4 years have passed since we started this blog. And here we are, with more excitement, more content, and more news than ever.

Coincidences of life, we are also just about to reach 1,000,000 page views. We won’t have a “one millionth visitor” type of party, with a big white balloon falling from the ceiling, but I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have ever stopped by here.

This year has brought many changes. The blog has become more geeky, with much more content in the Arduino, Geek Zone, and Programming sections. A decision that I am very happy about, in addition to the good reception they have had, I have a blast I really enjoy writing them.

For the next year… more and better. We hope to finish with the simplest Arduino and Programming tutorials, so that we can start to gradually increase the difficulty. With a little luck, before we know it, we will be building robots, quadcopters, tanks, home automation, and all those things we love.

Another year, thank you for accompanying us along this journey and making it worthwhile to continue improving and growing every day Thanks for your visit!